If you have questions about NIFC, call the main phone number at (208) 387-5512. Our interagency public affairs staff are available to answer media and public inquiries concerning the national wildfire situation at (208)387-5050.
For questions about maps or inquiries about the NIFC Open Data Mapping Site, fill out the Support Request form on their website and someone will respond to your inquiry. NIFC public affairs staff cannot provide mapping expertise or answer NIFC Open Data Mapping questions.
For road closures and travel route information, dial 511 or download the application for the your specific state you are in at https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/511/. Check out InciWeb for closures and evacuations related to a specific wildfire incident.
If you have an innovative idea that you feel will improve wildland fire fighter safety, operating efficiency; and reduce costs, review the guide for the Submission of Innovative Ideas for Product or Process Improvement and submit your ideas.
Idea proposals may also be submitted to the USDA Fire Sciences Laboratory (Rocky Mountain Research Station) by filling out the contact form.
Please email all other comments and questions to: BLM_FA_NIFC_Comments@blm.gov. You may also access the NIFC phone directory (PDF).