Land managers are increasingly challenged with responding to the complex wildland fire environment. It is therefore important to understand the science behind wildland fire – how it ignites, how it spreads, the fuel conditions in which it thrives, the effects of weather, how it impacts communities socially and economically, etc. – to justify decisions and apply scientifically proven solutions.
The Joint Fire Science program (JFSP) was created by Congress in 1998 to provide funding and science delivery for studies associated with managing wildland fire, fueland fire-impacted ecosystems. It is a partnership of six federal agencies, the USFS, BIA, BLM, NPS, USFWS and U.S. Geological Survey.
The program responds to the emerging needs of managers, practitionersand policymakers from local to national levels. It also stresses partnerships between scientists and managers, with special attention to getting results to the wildland fire community.
Further, JFSP strongly supports collaboration among fire researchers, managers, academic professionalsand others working on similar or related projects. This helps ensure compatibility, efficiencyand mutually beneficial products, while reducing redundant efforts.
When wildland fire managers need accurate, currentand scientifically based information, JFSP is often the place they start.

Translating research findings into the hands of managers, practitioners, and policymakers is one of the main objectives of the program. The JFSP accomplishes most of its science delivery through an organized, national network of regional fire science exchanges named the Fire Science Exchange Network. This network facilitates and enhances the adoption of new research and offers outreach mechanisms. The exchanges provide access to the latest science trough publications, offer webinars, and workshops, sponsor field tours, host discussion forums and promote other activities that promote interactions between managers and researchers.
Click here to learn more about the Joint Fire Science Program.