Fire Prevention, Education and Mitigation

Every year, on average, human-caused wildfires account for approximately 85% of wildfires in the United States. Though most of these fires are caused by accidents, many of them can be prevented. Educate yourself on how you can prevent wildfires and mitigate the impacts of wildfires on your community.

A prevention partnership

Wildfires threaten people, homes, and precious natural resources. Firefighters risk their lives to protect our communities and suppress these preventable incidents. In an effort to prevent damaging human-caused wildfires, the BLM partnered with Maverik, "Adventure’s First Stop", a convenience store brand operating 382 locations across 12 western states, to educate the public about how they can avoid starting these incidents.  The partnership provides simple, effective education tools for public lands users, which they’ll see right before departing for their next public lands adventure at Maverik stores. The videos (in the right navigation) play on gas pumps and monitors inside Maverik locations encouraging everyone to recreate safely and responsibly.  Spark Safety, Not Wildfires!

Plan, Prepare and Prevent

Wildfire season is year-round in many parts of the country. What can you do to help support our firefighters and protect your family from wildland fires?

Plan for wildfire


In many areas, May is Wildfire Awareness Month. As the weather becomes warmer and wildland vegetation, or fuels, begin to dry out, it is time to plan for the wildfires.

During a wildfire, embers cause most home ignitions. Residents can harden homes minimizing property damage and protecting firefighters.  Help reduce putting firefighters and communities at risk by hardening your home to ember intrusion and creating defensible space on private property. 

Prepare your home

Taking steps to make your home survivable and community adaptable to wildfire helps protect firefighters too. Live better with wildfires - learn how to mitigate wildfire risk around your property and community:

Prevent wildfires


The public plays a valuable role in preventing wildfires. Most human-caused wildfires can be prevented.

Preventable wildfires threaten lives, property, and our precious natural resources. Whether it is properly extinguishing a campfire or keeping your vehicle maintained to prevent sparks, following just a few simple steps can help prevent wildfires.

Learn how to properly use outdoor equipment; burn debris safely; start, maintain, and extinguish a campfire; maintain a vehicle and tow safely; and practice fire-safe target shooting to name a few.

Check out on-line resources to learn about wildfire prevention in your state or area.  Here are just a few:

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Prev-LWF Trailer-UT Conf-2006 (2).JPG

Prevention Videos with Partners at Maverik

Spark Safety - Damsel in Distress

Spark Safety - Wagon Trail

Spark Safety - Shootout Showdown

Spark Safety - Bonfire Bandits